ArticlesKickball And BuntingEvery damn gym class circa 6th grade played kickball at some point. And every damn gym class had the kid who refused to give the ball a real kick and instead half stepped up to the ball and "bunted." The bunt was really a tap with the side of the foot and the ball would putter away from home plate by generally less than five feet. Since most kickball games didn't have catchers, or had inept ones at that, the "bunt" was a pretty solid strategy for one who wished to get an "automatic" hit.However, most circles recognize the bunter as an idiot who thinks he's really fast and doesn't care about self denigration in front of future hottie girls by looking like a wimp ass and refusing to really kick the ball. The bunter generally becomes a failure in life. The bunter works at Sunoco during high school and afterwards becomes the mini-mart manager and may even work a night shift as a security guard. The bunter has no morals and no ambitions. The bunter is Satan.By: W.U. www.baseballcarddeath.com www. icomplain.blogspot.com.All rights reserved. Content may not be duplicated without proper crediting. All content is the original, registered trademarked content of the aforementioned websites, subsidiary companies of IComplain. net. Unlawful use of this content will be prosecuted. .By: W.U. http://www.baseballcarddeath. com http://www.icomplain.blogspot. com.All rights reserved. Content may not be duplicated without proper crediting. All content is the original, registered trademarked content of the aforementioned websites, subsidiary companies of IComplain.net. Unlawful use of this content will be prosecuted. By: Walter Underhill Olympic Games Learn How to Surf in Days - The first thing you need when you start surfing is a surfboard. Choosing A Football According To Your Needs - If you child likes to play football then choosing a football for them, is relatively easy but should not be treated with contempt. Being A Boston Sports Fan - Being a Boston sports fan means a lot of things. Landscaping for Handicap Equestrian Activities - The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1992 makes access to public facilities a civil right for all Americans. Pool Tables Fun For The Whole Family - Did you know that the first pool tables made an appearance in nineteenth century horse racing betting- poolrooms? Strange but true?though at that time the game was known as Billiards and tables were put up there for people to kill time between races. more... |
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